Facebook Lives

This collection of Learning Network resources is designed to synthesize and disseminate knowledge on topics related to Gender-Based Violence (GBV). These resources provide foundational GBV knowledge including commonly used language, important gaps and emerging issues, recent research, and important educational tools and resources.

Our Facebook Lives offer tips and information in a short format (15 minutes). Watch the day of or view the recording here.

#MaybeNextTime: There Shouldn’t be a Next Time (2024)

Presented by: Joëlle Kabisoso

This presentation explores five essential approaches and best practices for supporting Black women and girls during the disclosure of sexual violence. Additionally, it outlines strategies for designing and delivering responsive services that prioritize their needs and well-being, aiming to shift away from practices that inadvertently re-victimize them. These approaches are crucial for fostering environments where Black women and girls can have equitable access to justice.

Click here to learn more.

Dance and Consent: Transforming Gender-Based Violence Prevention Efforts (2024)

Presented by: Lexi Salt

This Facebook Live will explore Leading Authentically’s consent-based dance workshop entitled Empowered Connections: Consent on the Dance Floor, which equips participants with enhanced skills in consent, healthy communication and effective feedback. The session will also outline some of the many benefits of arts-based approaches to consent education for service providers and offer next steps for integrating them into everyday practice.

Click here to learn more.

Understanding FGM/C to Better Support Survivors: 5 Tips for Service Providers (2023)

Presented by: Sauda Keita

Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is a form of gender-based violence against women and girls rooted in gender inequality. This Facebook Live will provide 5 important tips to help strengthen service providers’ understanding of FGM/C to provide culturally-sensitive, survivor-centred, and trauma-informed responses and better support survivors and their resilience.

Click here to learn more.

Safety Starts Here - The Mulberry Platform (2023)

Presented by: Lauren Hancock

Learn more about mulberryfinder.ca – a new online platform created by The Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH). In this Facebook Live (live overview), Lauren provides an introduction to this platform including how gender-based violence (GBV) organizations and services can be listed on mulberry!

Click here to learn more.

Gender-Based Violence in the South Asian Community (2023)

Presented by: Manvir Bhangu

This presentation will touch on the work Laadliyan does in the South Asian community, particularly within the Peel Region with a focus on Gender Based Violence. The presentation will focus on previous research conducted by Laadliyan's team on this issue, a Gender Based Violence toolkit that was created, and the work Laadliyan is doing to combat this issue in their local community.

Click here to learn more.

Moose Hide Campaign Talks Indigenous Masculinity! (2022)

Presented by: Sage Lacerte

Gain insight on Indigenous Masculinities with 5 actionable tools to get you mobilized within your family, community, and across Turtle Island! This session explores the intersectional nature of Indigenous masculinity. Building healthier masculinities is a important step in standing up against violence towards women and children.

Click here to learn more.

5 Tips to Support Inclusion of 2SLGBTQI+ Seniors (2022)

Presented by: leZlie lee kam

This Facebook Live will focus on promoting inclusion of 2SLGBTQI+ seniors in the gender-based violence sector and allied sectors. It will discuss the 2SLGBTQI+ Tool Kit: Leading & Learning with Pride by the City of Toronto.

Click here to learn more.

5 Lessons Learned to Better Support Queer and Trans Women in Canada (2021)

Presented by: Tatiana Ferguson 

In this Facebook Live, Tatiana reflects on how the gender-based violence sector can embrace change and adapt to new realities to be more inclusive of Queer and Trans women in Canada.

Access the Video.

Responding to Nonconsensual Intimate Image Distribution in Canada (2021)

Presented by: Dr. Alexa Dodge

In this presentation, Dr. Alexa Dodge discusses some of the options and opportunities for responding to nonconsensual intimate image distribution outside of the criminal law.

Click here to learn more.

More Than A Footnote: Disability and Gender-Based Violence (2021)

Presented by: Sophia Sahrane

This presentation centers accessibility within the gender-based violence sector, as opposed to it being just a footnote.

Access the Video.


Intimate Partner Violence on Campus (2020)

Presented by: Eternity Martis

Intimate partner violence on campus is a serious issue—so why is there so little discussion about it? Eternity will read from her new bestselling memoir They Said This Would Be Fun and discuss the prevalence of IPV on campus—and how universities can address it.

Eternity Martis is an award-winning journalist and editor based in Toronto whose work on race and gender has been featured in Huffington Post, Vice, The Walrus, Hazlitt, Salon, The Fader, Complex, Chatelaine and many more. She's the author of the bestselling memoir They Said This Would Be Fun: Race, Campus Life, and Growing Up about her experience being a Black woman at a predominantly white university.

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