Recorded Webinars | Webinaires enregistrés

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Sustaining the Sector: Systemic Change to Address GBV Worker Wellbeing. Presented by Jenn Gorham, Krys Maki, and Samantha Fernandes on January 28, 2025.
Addressing challenges faced by deaf women experiencing gender-based violence (GBV). Presented by Marie-Hélène Couture on November 19, 2024.
Forced and Coerced Sterilization: The Ongoing Genocide of Indigenous People. Presented by Morningstar Mercredi, Dr. Karen Stote, and Nathalie Pambrun on October 22, 2024.
Enhancing Judicial Practice by Integrating Coercive Control. Presented by Karine Barrette and Marie-Jeanne Gratton on September 24, 2024.
Navigating trauma-informed embodiment practices with survivors and those supporting survivors of gender-based violence. Presented by Margeaux Feldman and Nicole Brown-Faulknor on July 16, 2024.
Colonialism and Survivance: Unique experiences of multigenerational violence and cultural strengths among Indigenous peoples in Canada. Presented by Amy Bombay on June 18, 2024.
Duty to Support: Supporting Families to Stay Together. Presented by Laraine Michaelson, Candice Noris, Kari Stout, and Linoy Alkalay on May 14, 2024.
The Incel Movement in Canada: Context and Practices of Intervention. Presented by Esli Chan and Ruxandra Gheorghe on April 23, 2024.
Supporting Survivors of GBV and their Animals: Innovative and Collaborative Strategies . Presented by Claire Dulude and Sue O’Neill on March 19, 2024.
Reproductive Coercion Strategies in Intimate and Family Contexts: Experiences of Those Who Have Endured Them . Presented by Carole Boulebsol on February 27, 2024.
Exit Pathways Out of Violence for Migrant or Racialized Women With Disabilities: Understanding to Better Support Survivors . Presented by Selma Kouidri and Isabelle Cardinal on January 23, 2024.
Sizing Up Gender-Based Violence Services: Identifying and Dismantling Weight-Based Discrimination. Presented by Kelsey Ioannoni and Ramanpreet Annie Bahra on December 12, 2023.
Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence Among Teens: Closing the Gap in Canadian Knowledge & Resource. Presented by Dr. Kaitlynn Mendes, Dr. Alexa Dodge, Dr. Christopher Dietzel, and Suzie Dunn on November 14, 2023.
The Early Origins of the #MeToo Movement: Black and Racialized Experiences. Presented by Kharoll-Ann Souffrant on October 17, 2023.
Storytelling Journey of Oshkimadizijik Inéwin From the Bush. Presented by Joey-Lynn Wabie and Alicia Williamson on September 26, 2023.
Partnering with Media for Change: Disrupting Harmful Narratives on Gender Based Violence (GBV). Presented by Shari Graydon, Yasmin Jiwani, and Jennifer Richardson on July 18, 2023.
Supporting Black Survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Addressing Anti-Black Racism and Building Survivor-Led, Trauma-Informed, Cross-Sectoral Solutions to TBI. Presented by Gifty Asare and Samira Omar on June 15, 2023.
"Looking back, the programs kept me alive": Women's Impressions of Counselling for Intimate Partner Violence. Presented by Lesley Tutty on May 16, 2023.
Gender-Based Violence in the Lives of Muslim Women in Canada: Realities, Challenges, and Resistance. Presented by Sabrine Azraq, Yasmin Hussain, and Yasmine Youssef on April 18, 2023.
Gender-Based Violence in Schools and the Intersectional Experiences of Black-Canadian Girls. Presented by Rashelle Litchmore on March 15, 2023.
Understanding the Realities of Gender Diverse Peoples to Strengthen our Care Systems. Presented by Zakary-Georges Gagné on February 28, 2023.
Intentionally Marginalized Communities: The Violence We See in Relationships, Families and Systems in Canada. Presented by Ramona Alaggia, Rupaleem Bhuyan, Melanie Doucet, Roberta Timothy, and Cathy Vine on January 18, 2023.
Living with Coercive Control: Youth Perspectives. Presented by Lauren Irvine, Selena Lai, and Izzy Lebrun on December 13, 2022.
Understanding Coercive Control Against Children: Impacts and Supportive Responses. Presented by Emma Katz and Catherine Lawler on November 22, 2022.
Gender-Based Violence Against Two Spirit/Indigiqueer People. Presented by Dr. Percy Lezard on October 18, 2022.
Rethinking Child Welfare Services: Trauma-Informed Approaches. Presented by Rosée Bruneau-Bhérer and Delphine Collin-Vézina on September 20, 2022.
- The Supreme Court of Canada’s Extreme Intoxication Decisions: Why We Should Care. Presented by Jacqueline Benn-John and Elizabeth Sheehy on July 19, 2022.
- Unravelling the Complexities of Domestic Violence and Criminalization in Black Women’s Lives. Presented by Patrina Duhaney on June 21, 2022.
- Indigenous Perspectives of Healing From PTSD. Presented by Patricia June Vickers on May 31, 2022.
- Vicarious Trauma - An Indigenous Perspective: Cultural Strengths as the Roots of Resilience for Healing Trauma and Building Worker Wellness. Presented by Deanna Jones-Keeshig on January 25, 2022.
- Recognizing Critical Expertise: A Knowledge and Skills Framework for Intimate Partner Violence Specialists. Presented by Katreena Scott, Linda Baker, and Angelique Jenney on January 21, 2022.
- Understanding and Addressing Issues of Gender Identity and Sexuality When Working with Trauma Survivors Through Trauma-Informed Care Approaches. Presented by Jillian Scheer on November 30, 2021.
- Building Resilience in Children Exposed to Violence: Broadening our Understanding from a Decolonizing and Social Justice Perspective. Presented by Ramona Alaggia, Roberta Timothy, and Ceane Dusyk on October 19, 2021.
- The Neuroscience of Resilience: How Brain Development Affects Learning, Health, and Social Outcomes Across the Lifespan. Presented by Nicole Sherren on September 21, 2021.
- Legal Advocacy to End Discrimination Against Women with Disabilities. Presented by Bonnie Brayton, Kerri Joffe, and Rosel Kim on August 17, 2021.
- Finding a Better Way: Strengths-Based Trauma-Informed Practice. Presented by JoLee Sasakamoose on July 13, 2021.
- Anti-Asian Racism and Gender-Based Violence: Historical and Contemporary Realities. Presented by Avvy Go, Kelly Go, and Jiyoung Lee-An on June 8, 2021.
- 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusive Trauma-Informed Care. Presented by Jenna MacKay on May 18, 2021.
- The Misuse of Alienation in Domestic Violence Cases in Family Court: Helping Court-Related Professionals to Sort Through Conflicting Allegations. Presented by Loretta Frederick, Peter Jaffe, Joan Meier, Simon Lapierre, and Linda C Neilson on March 23, 2021.
- Providing Disability-Affirmative Care: Deconstructing Ableism in Trauma Support. Presented by Kaley Roosen on January 12, 2021.
- From Trauma Recovery to Trauma Resilience: A 'Blue/Pinkprint' for Trauma with Sexual/Gender Minorities. Presented by Daniel Pugh on December 8, 2020.
- Technology and Violence Against Women and Other Marginalized Groups. Presented by Nasreen Rajani on November 24, 2020.
- Digital Platforms and Violence against Women: User Experiences, Best Practices, and the Law. Presented by Abigail Curlew, Raine Liliefeldt, and Cynthia Khoo on October 20, 2020.
- You're Doing What? Merging Harm Reduction and Trauma-Informed Practice in Violence Against Women (VAW) Shelters. Presented by Susan Scott and Angela Hovey on June 23, 2020.
- Improving Pathways to Safety for 2SLGBTQ+ Survivors of Violence. Presented by Vivila Liu and Ellis Furman on April 28, 2020.
- Understanding How Immigration Policies Shape Gender-Based Violence Among Immigrants Who Have a Temporary or Precarious Status. Presented by Rupaleem Bhuyan and Margarita Pintin-Perez on February 26, 2020.
- Story Shifters: Co-Creating New Stories About Trauma. Presented by Barbara Ward on December 3, 2019.
- How Law and Stigma Harm People Who Do Sex Work. Presented by representatives from Butterfly, Maggie’s, and Safe Space on November 26, 2019.
- Trauma-Informed Responses to Human Trafficking. Presented by Brenda Quenneville and Gina Snooks on October 22, 2019.
- Strategies for Working with Indigenous Individuals Experiencing Trauma. Presented by Holly Graham on September 24, 2019.
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Intimate Partner Violence: Implications of the Co-occurrence of PTSD & TBI. Presented by Akosoa McFadgion on June 11, 2019.
- Roots and Resilience: Exploring Healing Centred Engagement and Pleasure with Black Survivors of Sexual Violence. Presented by Yamikani Msosa on May 28, 2019.
- Engaging Men to Reduce and Prevent Gender-Based Violence. Presented by Katreena Scott and Baldev Mutta on February 26, 2019.
- Recognizing and Responding to the Commonly Misunderstood Reactions to Sexual Assault: Exploring a New Online Curriculum. Presented by Robin Mason and Stephanie Lanthier on January 29, 2019.
- Indigenous Cultural Responsiveness Theory: A New Tool for Improving Health Outcomes for FNMI (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) Peoples. Presented by JoLee Sasakamoose on November 27, 2018.
- Understanding Immigrant Women’s Experiences and Responses to Intimate Partner Violence: Looking Beyond the ‘Cultural’ Framing. Presented by Vathsala Illesinghe and Fazia Mohammed on October 30, 2018.
- The Feminist EAAA Sexual Assault Resistance Program for Young Women in University. Presented by Vathsala Illesinghe and Fazia Mohammed on October 30, 2018.
- Trauma-Informed Interventions through an Indigenous Worldview. Presented by Brianna Olson on June 26, 2018.
- Roots and Resistance. Presented by Yamikani Msosa on May 29, 2018.
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. Presented by Cheryl Bagnall and Tamara Bernard on March 20, 2018.
- Building Supports: Housing Access for Immigrant and Refugee Women Leaving Violence. Presented by Hannah Lee, Louise Godard, and Sarah Yercich on February 13, 2018.
- Sexual Harassment and Precarious Workplaces. Presented by Kaitlyn Matulewicz on January 23, 2018.
- Conducting Research with Indigenous Populations. Presented by Gwen Healey on June 6, 2017.
- Reaching Youth through Sports: Trauma-Informed Physical Activity. Presented by Rebekah Roulier on March 7, 2017.
- What It Takes to be a Trauma-informed Organization. Presented by Holly Murphy and Sue McWilliam on January 31, 2017.
- From Trauma-Informed to Trauma- and Violence-Informed. Presented by Colleen Varcoe on November 29, 2016.
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Soutenir le secteur : Changement systémique pour assurer le bien-être des intervenant.e.s en VFS. Présenté par Jenn Gorham, Krys Maki, et Samantha Fernandes 28 janvier 2025.
Enjeux des femmes sourdes et violence basée sur le genre (VBG). Présenté par Marie-Hélène Couture 19 novembre 2024.
La stérilisation forcée et contrainte : le génocide continu des peuples autochtones . Présenté par Morningstar Mercredi, Dre Karen Stote, et Nathalie Pambrun 22 octobre 2024.
Améliorer la pratique judiciaire par l'intégration du contrôle coercitif. Présenté par Karine Barrette and Marie-Jeanne Gratton 24 septembre 2024.
Explorer les pratiques d’incarnation tenant compte des traumatismes avec les survivantes et les personnes qui soutiennent les survivantes de la violence fondée sur le sexe. Présenté par Margeaux Feldman et Nicole Brown-Faulknor 16 juillet 2024.
Colonialisme et survivance : Expériences uniques de violence multigénérationnelle et de forces culturelles parmi les peuples autochtones du Canada. Présenté par Amy Bombay 18 juin 2024.
Le devoir de soutien : Aider les familles à rester ensemble. Présenté par Laraine Michaelson, Candice Noris, Kari Stout, et Linoy Alkalay 14 mai 2024.
Le mouvement Incel au Canada : Contexte et pratiques d'intervention. Présenté par Esli Chan et Ruxandra Gheorghe 23 avril 2024.
Soutenir les survivantes de la VFS et leurs animaux : stratégies novatrices et collaboratives. Présenté par Claire Dulude et Sue O’Neill 19 mars 2024.
Stratégies de coercition reproductive utilisées en contexte intime et familial: l’expérience de celles qui les ont subies. Présenté par Carole Boulebsol 27 fevrier 2024.
Trajectoires de sortie de violence faite aux femmes migrantes ou racisées en situation de de handicap : comprendre pour mieux soutenir les survivantes. Présenté par Selma Kouidri et Isabelle Cardinalle 23 janvier 2024.
Évaluation des services de lutte contre la violence fondée sur le sexe : identifier et démanteler la discrimination fondée sur le poids. Présenté par Kelsey Ioannoni et Ramanpreet Annie Bahra le 12 decembre 2023.
La violence fondée sur le sexe facilitée par la technologie chez les adolescent.e.s : combler les lacunes dans les connaissances et les ressources canadiennes . Présenté par Dre Kaitlynn Mendes, Dre Alexa Dodge, Dr Christopher Dietzel, et Suzie Dunn le 14 novembre 2023.
Les origines premières du mouvement #MoiAussi : Mettre en avant les expériences des femmes noires et racialisées. Présenté par Kharoll-Ann Souffrant le 17 octobre 2023.
Le parcours des Récits de la brousse d’Oshkimadizijik Inéwin. Présenté par Joey-Lynn Wabie et Alicia Williamson le 26 septembre 2023.
Partenariat avec les médias pour le changement : perturber les récits préjudiciables sur la violence fondée sur le sexe (VFS). Présenté par Shari Graydon, Yasmin Jiwani, et Jennfier Richardson le 18 juillet 2023.
Soutenir les survivant.e.s noir.e.s des traumatismes crâniens (TC) : Lutter contre le racisme envers les personnes noires et élaborer des solutions intersectorielles tenant compte des traumatismes crâniens et dirigées par des survivant.e.s. Présenté par Gifty Asare et Samira Omar le 15 juin 2023.
«En rétrospective, les programmes m’ont gardée en vie» : les impressions des femmes sur le counselling pour la violence conjugale Partner Violence. Présenté par Lesley Tutty le 16 mai 2023.
La violence fondée sur le sexe dans la vie des femmes musulmanes au Canada : Réalités, défis et résistance. Présenté par Sabrine Azraq, Yasmin Hussain, et Yasmine Youssef le 18 avril 2023.
La violence fondée sur le sexe dans les écoles et les expériences intersectionnelles des filles noires du Canada. Présenté par Rashelle Litchmore le 15 mars 2023.
Comprendre les réalités des personnes de la diversité de genre pour créer des environnements et des communautés de soutien bienveillant.e.s. Présenté par Zakary-Georges Gagné le 28 février 2023.
Communautés intentionnellement marginalisées : La violence que nous voyons dans les relations, les familles et les systèmes au Canada. Présenté par Ramona Alaggia, Rupaleem Bhuyan, Melanie Doucet, Roberta Timothy, et Cathy Vine le 18 janvier 2023.
Vivre avec le contrôle coercitif : perspectives des jeunes. Présenté par Lauren Irvine, Selena Lai, et Izzy Lebrun le 13 décembre 2022.
Comprendre le contrôle coercitif à l’égard des enfants : Répercussions et interventions de soutien. Présenté par Emma Katz et Catherine Lawler le 22 novembre 2022.
La violence fondée sur le genre contre les personnes deux esprits/autochtones queers. Présenté par Pr. Percy Lezard le 18 octobre 2022.
Repenser les services offerts en protection de la jeunesse : Les approches axées sur le trauma. Présenté par Rosée Bruneau-Bhérer et Delphine Collin-Vézina le 20 septembre 2022.
- Les arrêts de la Cour suprême du Canada sur l’intoxication extrême : pourquoi nous devons nous y intéresser. Présenté par Jacqueline Benn-John et Elizabeth Sheehy le 19 juillet 2022.
- Démystifier les complexités de la violence familiale et de la criminalisation dans la vie des femmes noires. Présenté par Patrina Duhaney le 21 juin 2022.
- Perspectives autochtones de guérison du TSPT. Présenté par Patricia June Vickers le 31 mai 2022.
- Le traumatisme vicariant – une perspective autochtone : les forces culturelles comme sources de résilience pour la guérison des traumatismes et le bien-être des travailleur.euse.s. Présenté par Deanna Jones-Keeshig le 25 janvier 2022.
- Reconnaitre l'expertise indispensable: Un cadre de connaissances et de competences. Présenté par Katreena Scott, Linda Baker, et Angelique Jenney le 21 janvier 2022.