Jenn Gorham, Krys Maki, and Samantha Fernandes
Sustaining the Sector: Systemic Change to Address GBV Worker Wellbeing
This Webinar was presented and recorded on January 28, 2025.
Gender-based Violence (GBV) workers face high levels of stress and fatigue due to challenging working conditions and ongoing trauma exposure, making it difficult to maintain wellbeing. Many of these challenges are systemic, including insufficient mental health supports, low salaries, precarious work and overwhelming caseloads. Systemic solutions are needed to address these complex concerns that are causing many skilled workers to burn out and leave the sector. In this session we discuss the work being done to address these concerns, including initiatives that introduce the concept of collective care and how it can be applied to improve GBV worker wellbeing. We also look at research and movement building work that has been done to improve conditions for GBV workers, centred around labour and activism. The session speaks to the trajectory of systemic change work that has been done in recent years, and will articulate current and future work that is aimed at addressing these challenges, with the intention of building supports for GBV workers across the sector.
Webinar Recording
Learning Objectives
By participating in this Webinar, participants will better be able to:
Provide a systemic, national context for understanding issues related to GBV worker wellbeing
Define the GBV workforce and the importance of building a collective identity in order to address systemic issues
Highlight the research, advocacy, and movement-building work that is being done to address issues of GBV worker wellbeing
- Propose collective care as a framework that can be used to help organizations and workers maintain their wellbeing
Jenn Gorham is the Director of Operations at Sexual Violence New Brunswick (SVNB) and has been with SVNB since 2006. She began her career with SVNB training and coordinating the volunteers who staff SVNB’s 24-hour support line as well as working in schools throughout the Anglophone West School District delivering workshops to youth on healthy relationships, consent and coercion. She is a trained Secondary Traumatic Stress & Empathic Strain facilitator and has delivered workshops on trauma-informed principles for trauma-exposed workplaces to frontline workers throughout the province. She was the project coordinator for Enhancing Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Violence in New Brunswick, to research, develop, deliver, and evaluate a training initiative for criminal justice professionals on sexual violence. She is currently the project coordinator for Maintain: Strengthening Collective Care, a nationally funded project addressing wellness in trauma-exposed workplaces.
Krys Maki (they/them) holds a PhD in Sociology. Their areas of research include feminist movements, collective organizing around gender-based violence, poverty and social inequality, and critical surveillance studies. Prior to joining the School of Social Innovation at Saint Paul University they completed a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies at the University of Ottawa on labour organizing and movement building within women’s shelters. In 2021, they published their first book Ineligible: Single Mothers Under Welfare Surveillance with Fernwood Publishing. Outside of academia, Krys worked as the Director of Research and Policy at Women’s Shelters Canada, a national non-profit network of violence against women shelters (2017-2022). Their activist scholarship is deeply informed by their work as a long-time organizer and activist with labour, anti-poverty, and feminist movements.
Samantha Fernandes has worked in the field of Gender-based Violence (GBV) for over 16 years with experience in community settings, both at the front-line and management levels. During this time she has gained valuable experience in cross-sectoral partner engagement, trauma informed approaches, as well as program design, development and evaluation. This professional experience coupled with her Masters degree in Social Work has made her a strategic partnership developer, systemic thinker and innovative problem solver. For the last two years Samantha has been leading the Building Supports for the GBV Workforce project at the Ending Violence Association of Canada. Her work has focused on deconstructing systemic issues faced by the GBV sector across Canada that are impacting this women-majority workforce.
Soutenir le secteur : Changement systémique pour assurer le bien-être des intervenant.e.s en VFS
Ce Webinaire a été présenté et enregistré le 25 janvier 2025.
Les intervenant.e.s en violence fondée sur le sexe (VFS) font face à des niveaux élevés de stress et de fatigue en raison de conditions de travail difficiles et d’une exposition continue aux traumatismes, de sorte qu’il leur est difficile de maintenir leur bien-être. Bon nombre de ces défis sont systémiques, y compris l’insuffisance des soutiens en santé mentale, les faibles salaires, le travail précaire et la charge de travail écrasante. Des solutions systémiques sont nécessaires pour répondre à ces préoccupations complexes qui mènent à l’épuisement professionnel et poussent un grand nombre d’intervenant.e.s qualifié.e.s à quitter le secteur. Au cours de cette séance, nous discuterons du travail effectué pour répondre à ces préoccupations, y compris des initiatives qui introduisent le concept des soins collectifs et la façon dont il peut être appliqué pour améliorer le bien-être des intervenant.e.s en VFS. Nous examinerons également les travaux de recherche et de construction du mouvement qui ont été réalisés pour améliorer les conditions des intervenant.e.s en VFS et qui sont axés sur le travail et le militantisme. La séance abordera la trajectoire du travail de changement systémique qui a été effectué au cours des dernières années et décrira les travaux actuels et futurs visant à relever ces défis, dans le but de créer des soutiens pour les intervenant.e.s en VFS dans l’ensemble du secteur.
Enregistrement du Webinaire
Objectifs d'apprentissage
Ce webinaire permet aux participant.e.s de
Fournir un contexte systémique et national pour comprendre les problèmes liés au bien‑être des intervenant.e.s en VFS
Définir la main-d’œuvre dans le domaine de la VFS et établir l’importance de bâtir une identité collective afin de résoudre les problèmes systémiques
Souligner les travaux de recherche, de défense des droits et de construction du mouvement qui sont réalisés pour s’attaquer aux problèmes liés au bien-être des intervenant.e.s en VFS
- Proposer un cadre de soins collectifs pouvant être utilisé pour aider les organismes et les intervenant.e.s à maintenir leur bien-être
Jenn Gorham est directrice des opérations auprès de l’organisme Violence sexuelle Nouveau‑Brunswick (VSNB), où elle travaille depuis 2006. Elle a commencé sa carrière auprès de VSNB en formant et en coordonnant les bénévoles qui s’occupent de la ligne de soutien 24 heures sur 24 de VSNB, ainsi qu’en travaillant dans les écoles du district scolaire anglophone de l’ouest pour offrir des ateliers aux jeunes sur les relations saines, le consentement et la coercition. Facilitatrice formée en traumatisation secondaire et en usure de compassion, elle a donné des ateliers sur les principes tenant compte des traumatismes, dans les milieux de travail exposés aux traumatismes, à l’intention des intervenant.e.s de première ligne partout dans la province. Elle a été coordonnatrice de projet pour l’amélioration de la réponse du système de justice pénale à la violence sexuelle au Nouveau-Brunswick, un projet visant à rechercher, à élaborer, à mettre en œuvre et à évaluer une initiative de formation sur la violence sexuelle à l’intention des professionnel.le.s de la justice pénale. Elle est actuellement coordonnatrice du projet Maintain : Strengthening Collective Care [Maintien : renforcer les soins collectifs], un projet financé à l’échelle nationale qui porte sur le mieux-être dans les milieux de travail exposés aux traumatismes.
Krys Maki (iel) détient un doctorat en sociologie. Les domaines de recherche de Krys comprennent les mouvements féministes, l’organisation collective autour de la violence fondée sur le sexe, la pauvreté et les inégalités sociales, ainsi que des études de surveillance critique. Avant de se joindre à l’École d’innovation sociale de l’Université Saint-Paul, Krys a obtenu une bourse postdoctorale du CRSH pour travailler à l’Institut d’études féministes et de genre de l’Université d’Ottawa sur l’organisation du travail et la construction de mouvements dans les maisons d’hébergement pour femmes. En 2021, Krys a publié son premier livre intitulé Ineligible : Single Mothers Under Welfare Surveillance [Inadmissibles : mères célibataires sous la surveillance de l’aide sociale] chez Fernwood Publishing. En dehors du milieu universitaire, Krys a travaillé à la direction de la recherche et des politiques chez Hébergement femmes Canada, un réseau national sans but lucratif de maisons d’hébergement pour femmes ayant subi de la violence conjugale (2017-2022). La recherche militante de Krys est profondément éclairée par le travail de Krys en tant que personne organisatrice et militante de longue date auprès des mouvements syndicaux, anti-pauvreté et féministes.
Samantha Fernandes travaille dans le domaine de la violence fondée sur le sexe (VFS) depuis plus de 16 ans et possède de l’expérience en milieu communautaire, tant aux premières lignes qu’au niveau de la gestion. Au cours de cette période, elle a acquis une expérience précieuse dans la mobilisation intersectorielle des partenaires et les approches tenant compte des traumatismes. En outre, elle a travaillé à la conception, à l’élaboration et à l’évaluation de programmes. Cette expérience professionnelle, combinée à sa maîtrise en travail social, a fait d’elle une conceptrice de partenariats stratégiques, une penseuse systémique et une solutionniste novatrice de problèmes. Depuis deux ans, Samantha dirige le projet Bâtir des soutiens pour le personnel du domaine de la violence fondée sur le genre à l’Association canadienne pour mettre fin à la violence. Son travail est axé sur la déconstruction des problèmes systémiques auxquels fait face le secteur de la VFS au Canada et qui ont une incidence sur cette main-d’œuvre majoritairement féminine.
Sustaining the Sector: Systemic Change to Address GBV Worker Wellbeing
ASL Channel Recording
This Webinar was presented and recorded on January 28, 2025.
Gender-based Violence (GBV) workers face high levels of stress and fatigue due to challenging working conditions and ongoing trauma exposure, making it difficult to maintain wellbeing. Many of these challenges are systemic, including insufficient mental health supports, low salaries, precarious work and overwhelming caseloads. Systemic solutions are needed to address these complex concerns that are causing many skilled workers to burn out and leave the sector. In this session we discuss the work being done to address these concerns, including initiatives that introduce the concept of collective care and how it can be applied to improve GBV worker wellbeing. We also look at research and movement building work that has been done to improve conditions for GBV workers, centred around labour and activism. The session speaks to the trajectory of systemic change work that has been done in recent years, and will articulate current and future work that is aimed at addressing these challenges, with the intention of building supports for GBV workers across the sector.
Learning Objectives
By participating in this Webinar, participants will better be able to:
Provide a systemic, national context for understanding issues related to GBV worker wellbeing
Define the GBV workforce and the importance of building a collective identity in order to address systemic issues
Highlight the research, advocacy, and movement-building work that is being done to address issues of GBV worker wellbeing
- Propose collective care as a framework that can be used to help organizations and workers maintain their wellbeing
Jenn Gorham is the Director of Operations at Sexual Violence New Brunswick (SVNB) and has been with SVNB since 2006. She began her career with SVNB training and coordinating the volunteers who staff SVNB’s 24-hour support line as well as working in schools throughout the Anglophone West School District delivering workshops to youth on healthy relationships, consent and coercion. She is a trained Secondary Traumatic Stress & Empathic Strain facilitator and has delivered workshops on trauma-informed principles for trauma-exposed workplaces to frontline workers throughout the province. She was the project coordinator for Enhancing Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Violence in New Brunswick, to research, develop, deliver, and evaluate a training initiative for criminal justice professionals on sexual violence. She is currently the project coordinator for Maintain: Strengthening Collective Care, a nationally funded project addressing wellness in trauma-exposed workplaces.
Krys Maki (they/them) holds a PhD in Sociology. Their areas of research include feminist movements, collective organizing around gender-based violence, poverty and social inequality, and critical surveillance studies. Prior to joining the School of Social Innovation at Saint Paul University they completed a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies at the University of Ottawa on labour organizing and movement building within women’s shelters. In 2021, they published their first book Ineligible: Single Mothers Under Welfare Surveillance with Fernwood Publishing. Outside of academia, Krys worked as the Director of Research and Policy at Women’s Shelters Canada, a national non-profit network of violence against women shelters (2017-2022). Their activist scholarship is deeply informed by their work as a long-time organizer and activist with labour, anti-poverty, and feminist movements.
Samantha Fernandes has worked in the field of Gender-based Violence (GBV) for over 16 years with experience in community settings, both at the front-line and management levels. During this time she has gained valuable experience in cross-sectoral partner engagement, trauma informed approaches, as well as program design, development and evaluation. This professional experience coupled with her Masters degree in Social Work has made her a strategic partnership developer, systemic thinker and innovative problem solver. For the last two years Samantha has been leading the Building Supports for the GBV Workforce project at the Ending Violence Association of Canada. Her work has focused on deconstructing systemic issues faced by the GBV sector across Canada that are impacting this women-majority workforce.
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